Tracking Tokens

Here are the 19 current tracking tokens (macros) available for the traffic platform.

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# Token Name Token Description
1{APP_ID}Numeric ID (for Apple) or bundle name (for Google)
2{APP_NAME}App name that received the click
3{CAMPAIGN}Campaign name
4{CARRIER_NAME}Carrier name of visitor's device
5{CONVERSION_ID}Unique ID of the click
6{COUNTRY_CODE}Country code of the visitor
7{COUNTRY_NAME}Country name of the visitor
8{CREATIVE}Creative name of the ad
9{DEVICE_ID}Unique device ID of the visitor
10{DEVICE_OS_NAME}Operating system of the visitor
11{DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}Platform specific ID of the vistor's device
12{EXCHANGE_NAME}Exchange name that received the click
13{GPS_LAT}Latitude cordinates of the visitor's device
14{GPS_LON}Longitude cordinates of the visitor's device
15{MANUFACTURER_NAME}Manufacturer of the visitor's device
16{MODEL_NAME}Model of the visitor's device
17{STATE_NAME}State name of the visitor
18{TIMESTAMP}Timestamp of the click
19{USER_IP}IP address of the visitor

Adivity Conversion Tracking

S2S (Server-to-Server) Postback URL{clickid}

Special Notes:

There are no special notes about using tokens.


All tokens and information on this site is provided AS IS. We are not responsible for any errors, missing tokens, changes or lost income as the result of using any information on this site. By using this site, you are acknowledging that you agree to our terms of service.

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Popular Tracking Software:

  1. Voluum
  2. RedTrack
  3. Thrive
  4. BeMob
  5. AdsBridge

We Recommend:

Affiliate Tools

Voluum Tracking Software

RedTrack Tracking Software

PopAds Mobile Traffic